Upcoming JC
Title: Jean-Baptiste
Speaker: TBC
Past JC
Title: Clumps as multiscale structures in Cosmic Noon galaxies
Speaker: Capucine
Title: Comparison of bar formation mechanisms I: does a tidally-induced bar rotate slower than an internally-induced bar?
Speaker: Stavros
Title: Another piece to the puzzle: radio detection of a JWST discovered AGN candidate
Speaker: Daryl
Meeting location: MPE IR meeting room and mpeir Zoom (passcode: 123)
Date and time: Every Monday at 13h45
Q: Where should I look for or suggest papers?
A: MPE IR Benty-fields or in the MPE IR Group Slack channel #galev-interesting-papers
Q: What if I do not have access to MPE IR Benty-fields page or the Slack channel?
A: Send an email to Lilian (lilian[at]mpe.mpg.de)
This page is maintained by Lai Yee Lilian Lee and Claudia Pulsoni . Last updated on 24 Jan 2025.