Title:  Estimating Masses of Supermassive Black Holes in Active Galactic Nuclei from the Halpha Emission Line

Speaker: Martina

Title:  The FENIKS Survey: Stellar-Halo Mass Relationship of Central and Satellite Galaxies in UDS and COSMOS at 0.2 < z < 4.5

Speaker: Lilian

Title:  Molecular clouds as hubs in spiral galaxies: gas inflow and evolutionary sequence

Speaker: Yixian

Title: How the Cookie Crumbles: A Model for Star-forming Clumps in High-redshift Disk Galaxies

Speaker: Juan

Title: Detection of the Keplerian decline in the Milky Way rotation curve.

Speaker: Jean-Baptiste

Title: The Abundance and Properties of Barred Galaxies out to z∼ 4 Using JWST CEERS Data

Speaker: Claudia

Title: Varstrometry for Off-nucleus and Dual sub-Kpc AGN (VODKA): Long-slit optical spectroscopic follow-up with Gemini/GMOS and HST/STIS.

Speaker: Giulia

Title: GA-NIFS: Multi-phase outflows in a star-forming galaxy at  z∼5.5

Speaker: Capucine

Title: The redshift evolution of galactic bar pattern speed in TNG50

Speaker: Stavros

Title: Revisiting the Hβ Size-Luminosity Relation Using a Uniform Reverberation-Mapping Analysis

Speaker: Daryl

Title: Rising from the ashes: evidence of old stellar populations and rejuvenation events in the very early Universe.

Speaker: Jianhang

Title: MIDIS. Near-infrared rest-frame morphology of massive galaxies at 3<z<5.5 in the Hubble eXtreme Deep Field

Speaker: Lilian

Title: The Structure of Massive Star-Forming Galaxies from JWST and ALMA: Dusty, High Redshift Disk Galaxies

Speaker: Shangguan

Title: JWST meets Chandra: a large population of Compton thick, feedback-free, and X-ray weak AGN, with a sprinkle of SNe

Speaker: Taro

Title: Molecular gas kinematics in local early-type galaxies with ALMA

Speaker: Yixian

Title: Calibrating non-parametric morphological indicators from JWST images for galaxies over 0.5<z<3

Speaker: Capucine

Title: EPOCHS Paper V. The dependence of galaxy formation on galaxy structure at 𝑧 < 7 from JWST observations

Speaker: Claudia

Title: FRESCO: The Paschen-α Star Forming Sequence at Cosmic Noon

Speaker: Juan

Summary: See here.


The rise and fall of bars in disc galaxies from z=1 to z=0. The role of the environment
Detecting a disk bending wave in a barred-spiral galaxy at redshift 4.4

Speaker: Stavros


Title: Quantitative analysis of the molecular gas morphology in nearby disk galaxies.

Speaker: Jean-Baptiste

Summary: TBC

Title: GA-NIFS: NIRSpec reveals evidence for non-circular motions and AGN feedback in GN20

Speaker: Giulia

Summary: See here.

Title: Primordial Rotating Disk Composed of ≥15 Dense Star-Forming Clumps at Cosmic Dawn

Speaker: Jianhang

Summary: TBC

Title: The evolution of the SFR and ΣSFR of galaxies in cosmic morning (4<z<10)

Speaker: Lilian

Summary: See here.

Title: Chugunov+2024: Galaxies decomposition with spiral arms - I: 29 galaxies from S4G

Speaker: Yixian


1. The authors proposed a new 2D model with 20 parameters to describe a spiral arm.

2. Using their model, they found that spiral arms contribute to 10-25% of the galaxy’s total luminosity. When averaged azimuthally, spiral arms produce a bump at r_gal ~ 1-2 scale length (see the figure).

Title: The evolution of galaxy morphology from redshift z=6 to 3: Mock JWST observations of galaxies in the ASTRID simulation

Speaker: Capucine

Summary: TBC

Title: The MBH−M∗ relation up to z∼2 through decomposition of COSMOS-Web NIRCam images

Speaker: Daryl

Summary: TBC

Title: JWST Reveals a Surprisingly High Fraction of Galaxies Being Spiral-like at $0.5\leq z\leq4$

Speaker: Claudia

Summary: See here

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